U.S. Marshals Service announces it will award media relations tools contract to Cision

The U.S. Marshals Service Office of Public Affairs plans to award a contract to Cision to provide the company’s media relations tools. 

The Marshals Service wants a media monitoring system that provides in-depth media contact information, easy-to-use data visualization and reporting tools, analytics and tracking capabilities, project management and workflow tools, and results analysis tools in a single platform, according to the Sam.gov announcement

The Marshals’ Office of Public Affairs is the agency’s principal point of contact for news media representatives. Its mission is to protect the public image of the Marshals Service and to increase understanding of its missions by providing timely and accurate information to the media, stakeholders, and the public. Public Affairs does this through multiple means, including writing and distributing news releases, developing official statements, issuing advisories, arranging interviews, writing articles, coordinating communications, and answering queries. OPA also monitors all forms of media to detect writings about the USMS and to inform senior managers about high-interest items, items that create a negative impression of the USMS or its employees, and media trends that may impact USMS missions. To meet these responsibilities, OPA requires a software-as-a-service (SaaS) system that provides the capabilities listed below.

“Cision is the ONLY source for a solution that can satisfy these requirements in their entirety in one platform within a turnkey application,” according to the announcement.

The specific requirements the Marshals want include: 

  • Comprehensive global media coverage with at least 5 million sources from print, online, broadcast, radio, social, and blog media,
  • Monitoring of more than 20,000 global podcasts and ability to transfer podcast speech-to-text for easy distribution,
  • No limitations on access to media and distribution to internal team members due to “paywalls,”
  • The ability to access news articles in other languages (Spanish, German, French, etc.) with translation capabilities,
  • Capability to archive searches, articles, audio, and video files,
  • A 100% web-based SaaS solution that requires minimal IT support to implement and maintain,
  • Press inquiry management capabilities which allow for setting up interviews for others in the organization, the ability to forward briefs on the media internally, and report on results using existing report templates and the ability for create new templates with background information,
  • And more.

Read more HERE