Department of Defense partners with Globalfoundries to manufacture secure chips

Globalfoundries entered into a strategic partnership with the Department of Defense to provide a secure and reliable supply of semiconductor solutions manufactured at the company’s Fab 8 in Malta, New York. 

The semiconductor chips will be used in several DoD’s applications for land, air, sea, and space systems, according to Globalfoundries.

The new supply agreement builds upon the partnership between the DoD and Globalfoundries to provide chips for defense, aerospace, and other sensitive applications. 

“Globalfoundries is a critical part of a domestic semiconductor manufacturing industry that is a requirement for our national security and economic competitiveness,” said Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, in a statement. 

“This agreement with Globalfoundries is just one step the Department of Defense is taking to ensure the U.S. sustains the microelectronics manufacturing capability necessary for national and economic security,” according to a DoD statement. “This is a pre-cursor to major efforts contemplated by the recently passed CHIPS for America Act, championed by Senator Charles Schumer, which will allow for the sustainment and on-shoring of U.S. microelectronics capability.” 

The first chips from this new agreement are targeted to begin delivery in 2023.

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