Defense Dept. looks to industry for technology to counter small unmanned aircraft

The Department of Defense will host a virtual industry open house to outline its approach to Counter Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, the agency announced.

The October 30 event is open to all vendors interested in C-sUAS and will cover strategy, training, current capabilities and operational capability requirements.

The one-day online event will inform vendors on upcoming efforts to align C-sUAS systems into an integrated enterprise approach. The event will also provide information regarding emerging requirements, address the multitude of C-sUAS challenges, and encourage competition and efficiencies in future technology development and procurement efforts.

The C-sUAS Industry Open House will be hosted by the Joint Counter-small Unmanned Aircraft System Office and the Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office.

There will not be a live question and answer session during the event. Pre-selected questions will be answered during the event. Questions for the event should be submitted via email to: .

Registration is not required in order to attend this event. The specific conferencing platform and event link will be posted HERE closer to the event date.

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