Air Force looking for new artificial intelligence technology to assist with situational awareness on future battlefields

The Air Force Research Laboratory is seeking white papers for research, development, and evaluation of technologies to enable sensor data exploitation in dynamic adversarial environments, the agency announced

Air Force officials anticipate future operational concepts will incorporate versatile, networked, heterogeneous, controllable ubiquitous sensing systems on autonomous/semi-autonomous platforms.  

The systems will provide information and situational awareness at a level considerably higher than current stovepiped systems, according to the Air Force. 

In the future, the Air Force plans to better utilize the data being collected by numerous sensors.. Those include both traditional intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance sensors and measurement and signatures intelligence sensors across many domains to include air, space and cyber.  

By collecting data from diverse sensors, warfighers will be able to improve such things as detection, tracking, and classification of time critical targets.

White papers are due by Sep. 30, 2025. The following submission dates are suggested to best align with projected funding: FY23 by 17 May 2022, FY24 by 15 May 2023 and FY25 by 14 May 2024.

To learn more, view the full Air Force post HERE