Army Corps of Engineers’ Humphreys Engineer Center Support Activity is seeking a physical security assessment tool and support software

The Army Corps of Engineers’ Humphreys Engineer Center Support Activity is searching for a Physical Security assessment tool and support services software, the organization announced

The Physical Security Program at the Headquarters currently uses a customized web-based variant of the Security Management System (CounterMeasures) SMS(CM) Risk Management Software.

The estimated amount of the award is $6.2 million with one base year of services and four one-year options. 

Proposals are due July 21, 2021, including a rough estimate if possible.. 

The software needs to be a web-hosted, NIPRNet domain, accessible to Army personnel throughout the world. 

The software, in general, will be required to automate processes, risk analysis, checklist development, report writing, form completion, and trends analysis. 

The software will be developed, tested, revised, piloted (with necessary software revisions) and finalized by the contractor in no greater than 12-months from contract award.

The contractor must establish and maintain a “help desk” call in number, for users to call when they are having problems with the software, have questions on the software, help on a particular problem they are experiencing, or other similar activities of the like associated with typical software “help desk” activities.