DARPA developing natural language processing technologies; will hold proposers day for contractors
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Information Innovation Office is sponsoring a virtual Proposers Day, to provide information ton the objectives of the Computational Cultural Understanding project, the agency announced.
Register at https://www.schafertmd.com/darpa/i2o/CCU/pd/ no later than 5 pm on April 23, 2021. The event will be held April 30, 2021
The goal of CCU is to create cross-cultural language understanding technologies to improve a DoD operator’s situational awareness and interactional effectiveness.
CCU will build natural language processing technologies that recognize, adapt to, and recommend how to operate within the emotional, social, and cultural norms that differ across societies, languages, and group affinities.
The Proposers Day will be held at the unclassified level. There is no fee to attend. This meeting is not open to the general public or members of the media.The Proposers Day will be held on April 30, 2021, from 1 pm to 6 pm via Zoom Webinar.
Virtual Check-in begins at Noon (ET). Advanced registration is required to attend.
Read more HERE.