Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is seeking software to allow forms to be electronically signed and routed
The Department of the Treasury’s Office of the Comptroller of the Currency needs software that allows individuals without personal identification verification cards to securely and electronically sign and route forms, the agency announced.
Questions from industry about the request for information are due April 15 and proposals are due April 30.
The software:
- must support an enterprise license
- must be procured through Information Technology Systems (ITS)
- shall be available on an as-need basis to all OCC business units
- must allow for e-Signatures that 1) Enables people without HSPD-12/SmartID/PIV Cards to sign documents. 2) Does not require people to be logged onto OCC’s VPN in order to sign the document (conversely, people who are logged onto the VPN must be able to sign the document)
- must be able to validate signatures
- must pass federal cybersecurity standards/requirements
- must allow documents to be routed electronically – via an encrypted portal and/or email to transmit sensitive information/documents
- must be accessible via desktop, laptop, tablet, phone
- must be accessible and usable by receivers who do not have that software pre-installed
To learn more about the opportunity and to submit a proposal visit the description HERE.