Forest Service seeking commercial software toolset to track occupational health incidents and workers compensation claims

The US Agriculture Department’s Forest Service agency is seeking a commercial, off-the-shelf product to automate tracking and reporting on safety and occupational health incidents/accidents and provide workers compensation case management, the agency announced.

For the last 6 years, the Forest Service worked with Origami Risk under a software as a service model to provide an integrated toolset to track safety and occupational health incidents and provide workers compensation case management, as well as produce Occupational Safety and Health Administration and Department of Labor compliance reporting.

Forest Service officials plan to continue to automate safety and occupational health and workers compensation case management processes under a unified solution.

The solution should also help the agency implement government best practices related to that work. And it should provide metrics and monitoring through reports to allow visibility into each incident reported from the initial claim to the employee returning to work.

This automated system should be user friendly and provide accurate and timely data, electronic storage and retrieval of documents and data, and management information reports.

The Forest Service will not consider solutions that are solely custom developed (coded) solutions.

The vendor must provide resources to provide information technology technical assistance in implementation, training, and support for the solution. The solution must include a sophisticated graphical user interface based toolset.

To learn more about the contract opportunity and to submit a proposal view the posting HERE.