Space Traffic Management industry day to examine how to improve space situational awareness; logon at 10 am Tuesday, Nov. 24

An industry that will examine how to better manage space traffic will be held Tuesday, November 24 at 10 am EST, the Department of Commerce announced.

The Office of Space Commerce in Commerce Department will solicit input from the commercial space industry and the related information technology sector regarding the design, development, operation and governance for the National Space Traffic Management Policy’s Open Architecture Data Repository (OADR) requirement. 

The OADR will assist with managing the integrity of the space operating environment by improving Space Situational Awareness coverage and accuracy through greater data sharing with satellite operators, and with enabling the commercial development of enhanced space safety services, according to the Commerce Dept.

Prior registration through the event website is required at this link:–Y_lpZnK_Ueja9G1-WOR6J-e4e-U/

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