SAIC will operate and upgrade technology Customs and Border Protection uses to secure border under $973 million contract
Science Applications International Corp. will continue to operate the system Customs and Border Protection uses to screen travelers and cargo entering the country, the company announced.
The task order is worth up to $973 million. The award is for CBP’s Targeting and Analysis Systems Program Directorate (TASPD) Information Technology Operations and Maintenance, Upgrades, Updates, Modifications and Enhancements Services task order.
“TASPD is a great example of how CBP has applied advanced technologies that continually deliver new capabilities to this 24x7x365 mission, while remaining responsive to the ever-changing national security landscape,” said Bob Genter, president, Defense and Civilian Sector.
Under the task order, SAIC will continue to develop and maintain CBP’s targeting and analysis systems that integrate technologies and data in real-time, enabling CBP officers, analysts, and agents to flag shipments and travelers for additional examination and inspection. SAIC will deploy new capabilities such as cloud-based analytics and AI/machine learning to facilitate legitimate travel and trade, identify high-risk travelers and cargo faster, and enable CBP to maximize application of its skilled workforce.
SAIC will continue to enhance these systems in response to evolving technologies, threats, and mission requirements, and accelerate CBP capabilities.
Read more HERE.