DISA unclassified video service adds voice dial-in for DoD employees
The Defense Information Systems Agency’s Global Video Services – Unclassified adds voice dial-in capability for DoD employees, the agency announced.
The voice capability expansion was achieved through a coordinated effort between GVS and Enterprise Voice over Internet Protocol Program Management Offices. GVS-U and EVoIP are available via DISA’s Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network, and are part of DISA’s enterprise communications, collaboration and productivity services.
EVoIP endpoints such as the CISCO Jabber application, desk phones or any smartphone/telephone, can now interact with colleagues using the GVS video teleconferencing audio dial-in feature, eliminating the need to schedule third-party phone bridges during GVS VTC sessions. The dial-in capability does not currently support the Avaya application.
With this service now available, commercial, Defense Switched Network and EVOIP users can attend conferences hosted on GVS-U.
Read more HERE.