DARPA wants technology to track moving targets for its Mosaic Warfare system
The Defense Department is looking for novel techniques and algorithms to track moving targets as part of its Mosaic Warfare system.
Mosaic Warfare is like the ceramic tiles in mosaics where individual warfighting platforms are put together to make a larger picture. The idea is to send so many weapon and sensor platforms at the enemy that its forces are overwhelmed. The goal is to take complexity and to turn that into an asymmetric advantage, according to the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency.
DARPA is soliciting innovative research proposals to develop novel collection techniques and processing algorithms for detection, geolocation, imaging, and automatic target recognition of moving ground targets with synthetic aperture radar sensors, according to a Sam.gov posting.
This program, Moving Target Recognition, is a vital part of the Mosaic Warfare end-state vision. Under the MTR program, researchers will develop algorithms and collection techniques to enable SAR sensors to detect, geolocate, and image moving ground targets.
Emphasis is on military vehicle targets, including slow moving vehicles whose SAR signatures are superimposed on clutter. If the goals of moving target detection, geolocation, and imaging are successfully achieved, the MTR program will proceed to develop ATR algorithms for the moving target images.
DARPA anticipates making multiple awards under this call for proposal.
Read more HERE.